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  • Writer's pictureMel Mase

Spinning Plates: 10 Top Tips for Mums Balancing Business and Kids


In the dynamic landscape of modern life, many mothers find themselves navigating the intricate dance of balancing business pursuits with the responsibilities of raising children. Striking the right equilibrium between a successful career and fulfilling family life can be challenging but not impossible. Here are some valuable tips for mums who are embracing the dual roles of entrepreneur and parent.


1. Establish a Flexible Schedule:

   Embrace flexibility in your work schedule. This allows you to cater to your child's needs while still managing your business commitments. Utilise tools like remote work options and technology to create a workspace that can adapt to the demands of both worlds.

2. Prioritise and Delegate:

   Identify tasks that require your immediate attention and delegate others where possible. Efficient delegation can help alleviate the burden, allowing you to focus on crucial aspects of both your business and family life.

3. Create a Support System:

   Building a support network is vital. Connect with other mums facing similar challenges, both in your industry and community. Share experiences, advice, and resources to create a collaborative environment that fosters growth on both fronts.

4. Set Realistic Goals:

   Establish achievable short-term and long-term goals. Realism is key when juggling business and family. Setting achievable milestones ensures that you make progress without overwhelming yourself.

5. Utilise Time-Saving Tools:


  Leverage technology and time-saving tools to streamline both business and parenting tasks. From productivity apps to online grocery shopping, these tools can help optimise your time management.

6. Designate "Focused Time":

   Allocate dedicated time for focused work and quality family moments. Setting boundaries allows you to be fully present in both roles without feeling constantly pulled in different directions.

7. Self-Care is Non-Negotiabler :

   Don't forget about self-care. Balancing work and family can be demanding, so it's essential to take care of yourself. Allocate time for activities that recharge your energy and maintain your mental and physical well-being.

8. Stay Informed About Parental Benefits:

   Be aware of the parental benefits available. Stay informed about policies like maternity and paternity leave, flexible working arrangements, and childcare support. Utilising these resources can make the balancing act more manageable.

9. Educate Your Team and Clients:

   Communicate openly with your team and clients about your situation. Establishing clear expectations can foster understanding and cooperation. This transparency helps build a supportive professional environment.

10. Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small:

    Acknowledge and celebrate both your business and parenting achievements. Whether it's reaching a business milestone or conquering a parenting challenge, taking time to celebrate your successes can boost morale and motivation.


Balancing business and kids is undoubtedly a demanding journey, but with thoughtful strategies and a supportive mindset, mums can successfully navigate this intricate path. By embracing flexibility, building a strong support network, and practicing self-care, mothers can create a harmonious blend of professional success and fulfilling family life. Remember, you're not alone on this journey – countless mums are thriving in both spheres, proving that it's not just about balance but about finding a rhythm that works best for you.

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Olivia Quest
Olivia Quest
Jan 24
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great article - tips are on point!

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