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  • Writer's pictureMel Mase

Marlon Palmer: The Visionary Force Behind Kush Cinema

Updated: Nov 12, 2023


Black History Month serves as an important time to reflect on the achievements and contributions of Black Britons and individuals of African and Caribbean descent across the globe. Marlon Palmer, the founder of Kush Cinema, is one such individual who has not only made an indelible mark on the film industry but has also played a crucial role in empowering his community through a deeper understanding of Black history and culture.


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A Journey from Marlon Brando to the Godfather of Film

Marlon Palmer, known by his nickname "Marlon Brando," began his journey from the bustling neighbourhood of Tottenham, North London. He grew up amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the 1980s riots, witnessing the struggles and challenges faced by his community. The events of 2011, particularly the death of Mark Duggan, brought home the stark realities of life in a rough neighbourhood.

Marlon was a well-known promoter, throwing parties and raves that were popular in his community. However, he came to a crossroads in his life, realising that many people he knew were succumbing to drugs and prison. This pivotal moment led him to question the trajectory of his own life. In his thirties, he decided to change, recognising that life had more to offer than the path he was on. He encourages young people with the message that life does not end at 30, contrary to popular belief.

The Birth of Kush Cinema

In his journey of transformation, Marlon found salvation in an unexpected place – a church. Attending for a year and getting baptised marked the beginning of his spiritual awakening. His sister gifted him an African Heritage Bible that provided historical information about Black tribes in the Bible, particularly the Kushites. The story of the Kushites, a powerful tribe that ruled Egypt, resonated deeply with Marlon. They were Black kings and queens, ruling with strength and resilience in what is now modern-day Sudan.

This newfound knowledge helped Marlon discover his own identity as a Black man, filling him with pride and inspiring him to champion the rich history of Black civilisation. He reminds others that they come from kings and queens, and their heritage is one of greatness and resilience.

The UK's first ‘black owned’ streaming platform creating a one-stop-shop to find the best in black film entertainment & home for black British cinema.

The Story Behind "Kush"

The name "Kush" carries a profound meaning, rooted in history and resistance. In ancient Hebrew, "Kush" means black. In the film industry, Marlon sought to champion his Blackness and Black filmmakers. However, back in 1998, openly celebrating Black films was more challenging. So, he cleverly named his venture "Kush," creating a wordplay that concealed the intent while paying homage to Black cinema. It's worth noting that times have changed, and today, the celebration of Black cinema is more vibrant and explicit.

The logo of Kush Cinema is an optical illusion, resembling both a pyramid and a projector screen, symbolising the powerful history of Black civilisation.

Business with a Deeper Purpose

For Marlon, business is not just about making money; it's about making a lasting impact. He emphasises the importance of having a driving force that goes beyond financial gains, especially when facing obstacles and barriers. Marlon's motivation lies in doing something deeper for his community and for Black filmmakers, championing their race and heritage. This deep sense of purpose fuels his determination and provides the energy needed to keep pushing forward.

The Joy of Serving the Audience

As an exhibitor, Marlon finds immense joy in standing at the back of the cinema and listening to the audience's reactions. The thrill of setting the stage for a film and hearing the laughter, screams, and shouts of the audience is what empowers him. Marlon truly enjoys entertaining people and providing them with memorable experiences.

Defining Success

Success, for Marlon, isn't solely measured in monetary terms. He believes that success is about personal development, finding oneself, and achieving harmony in life. Marlon's journey to success has been a blend of personal growth, spirituality, and manifestation. He encourages others to focus on positivity and the unique contributions they can bring to the table, rather than dwelling on resistance and obstacles.


Marlon Palmer's story is a testament to the power of transformation and the importance of embracing one's heritage. As the founder of Kush Cinema, he has not only made a significant impact on the film industry but has also used his success to empower and educate his community. His journey from a life on the edge to a life filled with pride and purpose is a source of inspiration and a fitting tribute during Black History Month. Marlon's legacy reminds us that our history is a source of strength, and our actions today can shape a brighter future.

If you would like to find out more please connect with Marlon Palmer on the following platforms:


Twitter: @kush_online 

Insta: @kushfilmsonline

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