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  • Writer's pictureMel Mase

“I Have A Dream”: Celebrating the Day, the Words, the Legend - Martin Luther King Jr

These infamous words - “I have a dream” - were shared as part of my recent business training to highlight the importance and emphasis that words can have in the world. We were challenged to guess who spoke these words and every single person in the room knew instantly. The same could not be said for a few other quotes that were presented.


It was officially Martin Luther King Day yesterday on January 15th, and even though this special day is not celebrated here in the UK, the impact made by the man in question is felt throughout the ages and across the globe. Celebrating diversity is much more of a reality in this modern age and we can thank Dr King for the enormous part he played.

I’m ashamed to say that I don’t know enough about this iconic figure who was not afraid to stand up for what was right even at the cost of his own life. He is and was a hero of the ages and and it is clear that his faith in God and his passion for justice made him the person who will be remembered forever.

As a person of colour myself and a fellow human being I can only imagine how segregation, discrimination and racism affected individuals around the time of Martin Luther King’s life, but I am grateful for the those who are alive today that we are living that “brighter tomorrow” that I am sure he longed for in his lifetime.

The book titled ‘The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr’ was edited by Claybourne Carson. It includes many photographs and a plethora of direct quotes from Dr King himself that he usually delivered in a sermon. Through his words you feel the conviction of his beliefs and they still carry so much weight today.

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr: Buy Now.


A lot could be said and commented on as there really is so much to say, but sometimes just reflecting on such a life and taking away something significant for ourselves is how our lives can be transformed for the better. Overall, this man was a truly inspiring figure and even though they killed the dreamer, they never killed the dream.

...even though they killed the dreamer, they never killed the dream.

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