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  • Writer's pictureMel Mase

Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Try These 5 Actions Instead!!

Many individuals engage in the arduous task of making “New Year’s Resolutions” as soon as January 1st comes around. The need to do things for “the better” makes complete sense during this turning of the season as there is a clear distinction between the old year ending and a fresh new year beginning. I’m certainly not against the idea of setting your sights on improving one’s self and the surrounding circumstances of your life, but I do want to offer 5 actions that I hope will help you not only to focus, but to succeed in whatever you set out to achieve.


1. Be Kind to Yourself

If you already do this then Well Done!! Keep it up!! If you struggle to do this, please let this be the year where you are kind (or at least ‘kinder’ to yourself). I, for one, have been guilty of putting too much pressure on myself to be a certain thing and look a certain way and then feel burdened by the massive weight and pressure of trying to achieve it, but I want better. Being kind to yourself is such a healthy and liberating action to take. Start today, but if it’s a struggle start tomorrow!! You are free to be you, so go for it!

2. Enjoy every day

Unfortunately some people, young and old, did not live to see 2024, but you have. I know and I understand that it is a cliche, but please “live for today”. Don’t let the little ‘now’ moments just become distant memories in a matter of minutes. Try taking in what is happening in the present. It really is a gift. Maybe consider putting your mobile phone on the table and just looking at what is happening around you. Granted, it depends on where you are and who you are with and you may just see other people on their mobile phones or another electronic device, but do it anyway!! Your eyes may be open to something that you may have missed before.

3. Set realistic goals

Planning for the New Year that we have just entered is a brilliant idea and dreaming should be without restrictions and limitations, but I urge you to set a few realistic goals today. This is to help you achieve your wildest dreams. How? you may ask. Well, as humans positive results in any given task spur us on, hence making it easier to get to where we want to be. Failures, which can also be extremely helpful, but also discouraging and disappointing, can cause us to “give up” before we really begin. This is why it is better to gain momentum through achieving smaller and realistic goals so that you can reach the heights of your deepest desires. Had I not taken this stance last year I would not have come to the point where I have released my second book, become a member of my local Chambers of Commerce and been on a worldwind journey that I know is taking me closer to fulfilling my dreams.

4. Reflect on the year that has just passed

Whatever happened in 2023, good or bad, there is always something that you can learn for the days and months ahead. Cherish this because you have access to invaluable information from the past 12 months that you can use for your good.

5. Love

Even though I am a strong believer that “love” should be the foundation in life, I have left it til last because it encapsulates everything. Love God, love yourself and love others. Not halfheartedly, but as fully as you can. Love helps us to be gentler with ourselves and each other and real love makes us considerate. I know this word may have many connotations to some and what is being shared may seem too simplistic or overly optimistic, but I can only encourage love as the primary thing. If you love a bit more intently this year, who knows, you could make your corner of the world a better place for you and those around you.


Ultimately, we have reached 2024 and I hope and pray that you get everything that your hearts desire. May the next 12 months be more than what you hoped, may each day be blessed and may you experience joy and happiness on a new level. Happy New Year to you all!

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