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  • Writer's pictureMel Mase

Celebrating the Last Week of Black History Month in the UK with a Bang


Black History Month in the United Kingdom draws to a close, but the celebrations are far from over. This past week in Milton Keynes, my books took centre stage, spreading the message of diversity, resilience, and unity through the power of literature.


Last week I, a local author, embarked on an exciting journey to celebrate the penultimate week of Black History Month in style. My books were added to the shelves in the bustling Love Local Hub, located in the heart of Centre MK, Milton Keynes, showcasing my books to the local community.


My physical presence as an author was met with overwhelming success. Shoppers and passersby were eager to explore the rich tapestry of stories within my books, each one a testament to the power of representation and the importance of recognising the diversity within our society.

But my mission as an author extended beyond just selling books. I also visited Surrey Street Primary School in Luton, where I had the opportunity to read both of my books to Reception and Year 1 students. The young minds were not only engaged but also displayed a remarkable level of enthusiasm and exemplary behavior, making the visit a memorable experience for all.


This thoughtful gesture was part of the school's observance of Black History Week, which aims to educate and inspire students about the contributions of Black individuals throughout history and in contemporary society. My visit was a prime example of how literature can serve as a bridge, connecting children to the stories, cultures, and experiences of people from all walks of life.


As the final days of Black History Month draw near, it's clear that these efforts have exemplified the spirit of the month—celebrating diversity, honouring Black heritage, and highlighting the importance of unity. With the successful book sales and the heartwarming experience at Surrey Street Primary School, this season has truly shown how words and stories can have a lasting impact in our community.

The end of Black History Month in the UK is indeed going out with a bang, thanks to the dedication and passion of individuals who continue to shine a light on the importance of inclusion and representation in our society.

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