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Bilingual Inspiration: A Conversation with a Young Author about Language, Friendship, and Writing


Embarking on a linguistic and creative journey, we delve into the world of Legasiah, a young and aspiring author with a unique story to share. In this interview, Legasiah provides insights into the inspiration behind his book, the bilingual magic within its pages, and the joy he finds in the art of writing. Join us as we explore the young author’s perspective on language, friendship, and the exciting process of crafting tales that bridge cultures.

1. Can you tell us about your book and what inspired you to write it?

“It is about LJ making a new friend at school, who speaks French like him. I wrote this book because I love writing.”

2. How did you decide to incorporate both French and English in your book?

“I put French and English in my book because I wanted to learn more French. I was asking my mummy questions all the time about how we say some English words in French. Mummy helped me write the book because she is French and knows all the words!”

3. Who is your target audience, and what do you hope they'll gain from reading your book?

“I would like everyone to read my book, especially children my age. They will learn double languages!”

4. Can you share your experience of the writing process? Was it challenging to create a bilingual book?

“I found writing my book easy. It was not difficult because I remembered some of the French words. My mummy helped me with the other words I did not know about.”

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases). Buy Now: LJ and the French Classmate

5. Did you face any specific challenges or interesting moments while working on this project?

“I liked it when I was writing in French because it reminded me when I was learning it in Ivory Coast on holiday. I had a wonderful time there.”

6. How do you think your book can help children and adults learn the French and English languages?

“There are more words to learn at the end of my book [the vocabulary section]. It can help children and grown-ups to learn both French and English. They can keep practicing!”

Back of LJ book.  Bilingual book .
Back of book

7. Could you share a favorite part or lesson from your book that you think readers will enjoy?

“The favourite part of the book could be when LJ meets Pierre, his new friend. Pierre also has a mummy who speaks French and his daddy speaks English, like LJ’s mummy and daddy.”

8. What advice do you have for other young authors who aspire to write and publish their own books?

“Maybe they can start writing their stories and ask a grown-up or me, for help if they need to! I was so happy to see my book on Amazon.”

9. How has this project impacted your love for languages or writing in general?

“Now I like teaching French to my little sister because I know more words than her. I love writing in my note pad every day. I write some stories, some letters, some lists about presents I would like to get, or some prayers. I also like typing on the laptop.”

10. Are there any future projects or books you're excited about working on?

“I am so excited about writing more books, I just finished writing my second book, but there are no images yet [not illustrated yet]. I hope that there will be soon!”


In the vibrant tapestry of Legasiah’s narrative, we witness the seamless blend of English and French, a testament to the author’s enthusiasm for language learning. As his book takes readers on a bilingual adventure, Legasiah leaves a lasting impression on both children and adults, encouraging them to embrace the beauty of linguistic diversity. With a newfound love for teaching and an eagerness to embark on future literary endeavors, Legasiah’s journey is not only an inspiration for young authors but a celebration of the enriching power that language and storytelling hold in our lives.

If you have been inspired by Legasiah's story then you can follow him on Instagram: @legasiahquest

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Olivia Quest
Olivia Quest
Nov 21, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Lovely article Mel - great interview!

So inspiring for young authors. Thank you 😊

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