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  • Writer's pictureMel Mase

15 Exciting Boxing Day Activities To Keep Everyone Entertained

FolIowing on from what I hope was an amazing and fun-filled Christmas Day, comes the elusive and ever faithful Boxing Day which is a time that holds so many connotations. From rising before the crack of dawn to get those early morning sales to joining in with the "No, he didn't! Oh yes, he did!!" refrain of an engaging Pantomime, there are so many things that the day can hold, but what does it mean for you and yours? Here are 15 different "activities" that are sure to make your Boxing Day an extra special time which is a sweet continuation of the Christmas period.

1. Book Box

Why not get a small box, put 5 of your favourite books into them and read 1 book every hour. (There is of course some flexibility if a book is just too compelling to put down, just keep reading - it’s fun).

2. Pampering Party

Why not have some rest and relaxation on Boxing Day, especially if you were busy entertaining and making sure everyone, particularly the kids, had a wonderful Christmas Day. As an added bonus, if one of the gifts you happened to receive was some toiletries or beauty products, then this is the perfect way to put them to good use. Win-win!

3. Game Gala

If you aren't completely fed-up with playing games by this point, then this could be a great option for the family. Anything from cards to board games can work and they can suit all ages. Hopefully there is a game that everyone can agree on and play. Monopoly is a firm favourite in many households, including ours, but we do love to play online games too on our Smart TV. What's your favourite?

4. Movie Marathon

There are certain movies that have become a firm favourite for me and the Home Alone saga, specifically the first and second ones, warm me in a way that only a nostalgic film can. Peruse Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime or any other platforms which have an extensive selection of offerings and enjoy a good 'Movie Marathon' that will keep you chilled and thoroughly entertained. You never know, you might just find a new favourite!

5. Sales Savvy

Maybe you are a savvy shopper who loves the Sales!! If so, this is a very traditional activity that many people have participated in to get those post-Christmas Day deals. You may already have hit the stores before reading this as the general understanding is that getting there early to catch the best deals in an infamous strategy, and if this applies to you I hope you enjoyed the experience.

6. Minimal Movement

Maybe you'd prefer to have a "lazy day" after the "busyness" of the Christmas period. The joy of having "no plans" and just "chilling" can be really good for mind, body and soul, so if this sounds appealing I wish you a happy Laid Back Day!

7. Creative Creator

Boxing Day is a perfect time for getting creative, be it in the kitchen with leftovers or making "Thank You" cards for all the gifts and presents received from friends and family. Let your creativity run wild. Get the kids involved and they will love joining in to make something new and personal. Enjoy!

8. Panto Performance

Watching a pantomime is a wonderful experience and this was how my family and I spent our last Boxing Day. We laughed so much and the kids loved it immensely and they wanted to repeat the experience every year. If you already have a favourite like "Jack and the Beanstalk" or "Cinderella", check out what shows might be on today. Do it now, you won't regret it.

9. Outdoor Outing

Fresh air and getting "outside" can help revive you, especially if you, like many, spent the whole of Christmas Day indoors. Take a walk, ride your bike or engage in whatever outdoor activity works for you and, weather-permitting, you can hugely benefit from some time with nature and some very light exercise.

10. Fun Fancies

This is a broad suggestion but I felt that it was important to emphasise that whatever you do on Boxing Day - Have Fun!! Only you know what lights you up inside, so please, if it's possible, do it!

11. Virtuous Volunteering

Boxing Day can be a key opportunity to give back to our local communities. If there is a Soup Kitchen that helps the homeless or something that is set up to help disadvantaged families, maybe see how the whole family can get involved and make the world a better place one gesture at a time.

12. Picture Placement

If you took 101 pictures and/or videos of the kids reactions when they opened their presents and those Instagram worthy shots of the Christmas table spread, now could be the greatest time to organise them. Getting photos sorted before entering the New Year can help you feel ahead of the game and make it less likely that the pictures will gather "digital dust" from being forgotten about. Delete those duplicates and assign those folders, it will be totally worth it.

13. Leftover Logistics

If, like me, you prepared enough food to feed the 5000, then organising the leftovers is a matter of necessity. My best suggestion is to separate which items can be frozen from the items that can be chilled and eaten in various forms over the next few days. Facing more cooking so soon after a feast can be daunting, and sorting out the leftovers is a great solution.

14. Friends & Family Follow-Up

Catch up by visiting those individuals you didn't get to see on Christmas Day. Chat over a cup of tea or hot chocolate and let the kids play with their friends.

15. Winter Wonderland Activities

If there are any establishments open that enable you to go ice-skating, indoor skiing or any other winter themed activity, Boxing Day could be the time to go. Great for groups of people searching for something to do. Make memories while having fun on ice!!

Whatever you do today I'm sure you will have an awesome Boxing Day!! Merry Christmas All!!

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