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Inspiring Environmental Stewards: An Author’s Journey in Children’s Literature


Embarking on a literary journey to fill a void in children's literature, our featured author shares a compelling narrative of inspiration and purpose. In a world where many books cater to various aspects of a child's development, the absence of dedicated works on environmental awareness became a driving force. This interview delves into the unique story of an individual, initially rooted in a legal background, who found a powerful intersection between storytelling and advocacy. From the creation of relatable characters to the delicate balance between entertainment and education, this author brings us behind the scenes of crafting narratives that resonate with young readers while fostering a connection to environmental consciousness.

1. What inspired you to start writing children's books focused on environmental awareness?

As a parent, I noticed a lack of children's books that specifically addressed environmental topics. There are so many wonderful books out there about emotions and other areas of learning, but not many that focused on teaching younger children how to help the environment. This inspired me to create a character that kids could connect with and that could also serve as a teaching tool. Additionally, I found that many books only focused on the children and didn't provide given resources for parents to guide their children in the learning process. That's why I wanted to create a book that not only captivates children, but also provides guidance and resources for parents.

2. Can you tell me about your background and what led you to become an author, particularly in this genre?

Interestingly, my background is not actually in literature. Instead, I come from a legal background, which is actually part of my inspiration. What really drives me, is the desire to make a positive impact on the world, and this was something I felt I could do in both sectors. The environment has always been a concern of mine, constantly lingering in the back of my mind. I believe many people experience anxiety about the environment, and I wanted to demonstrate that there are still numerous actions we can take. Currently, our company is exploring ways to support a charity focused on rebuilding the coral reef, which is truly incredible. Not only do I wish for children to feel more at ease knowing that there are still opportunities to mitigate the negative effects on the environment, but I also aim to help adults become more comfortable with this idea and assist them in teaching their children.

3. Your book features relatable characters. How do you create characters that resonate with young readers and teach them about environmental issues?

I really think it's super important to have a main character that gets kids pumped up and motivated to do better. Having one main character who's always happy and ready to grow can help kids progress through each book. Having a character present in every story and activity creates a sense of a shared journey between the child and character. Plus, when there's a new friend in every book, it adds a whole new layer of excitement and fun. I didn't just want it to be a regular book, I wanted it to be an immersive journey with depth, that children could really get stuck into.

4. How do you balance delivering an environmental message with creating an engaging and entertaining story for kids?

Striking the right balance between fantasy and factual information can indeed be challenging. It's important to ensure that the message you're trying to deliver remains at the forefront without getting overshadowed by excessive fantasy elements. One effective approach I've found is to maintain a fun rhyme throughout the book. This not only makes the reading experience enjoyable but also helps to deliver the message effectively.

This is also why the books, despite having detail on each page, are not overwhelming to look at. Some books feature numerous creatures in the background and lots of activity, which can be fun for broader learning and engagement. However, for a book that focuses on a specific issue, it is crucial to create illustrations that are easy to follow and do not have too much going on. This ensures that the reader can easily grasp the intended message without any distractions.

They're not just books, they are adventures.

5. Can you share a memorable experience or feedback from young readers that made you feel your work is making a positive impact?

This may sound like quite small feedback, but to me it was really big. I had a young child say that Eli was their best friend, and they’ve taken him on adventures and had an amazing time. Now this doesn’t seem like a lot, but to me, it just meant that he could see Eli as someone that could help him to grow and learn. I understand that he can’t quite understand that yet, but just hearing that he liked it was just amazing to hear. It really was a testament to the magic of storytelling and I’m so happy to see it having an impact.

6. What are some of the key environmental themes you aim to convey through your books?

So each book will actually focus on a different environmental issue. At the moment we have Eli in the coral reef, which focuses on the issues that are facing the coral reef. These issues include overfishing, reducing emissions, and the negative impacts of a depleting coral reef. Then the second book will feature Popsicle the polar bear who lives in the polar ice caps. This book will focus on rising temperatures, green innovation and greenhouse gasses. Then the third book will feature Olive the octopus and they will take Eli to the big city where he will learn all about sustainable energy.

7. Illustrations play a vital role in children's books. How do you collaborate with illustrators to visually convey your environmental message?

I’m not sure whether this is a unique experience, but when I write a book and come up with the wording, I actually see the pictures in my head of how I want it to look. Luckily I’m actually able to illustrate the books myself so I have full creative control over how they come out, which is just amazing. I think if I was to collaborate with an illustrator I would be very detailed about the type of art I want, whether that would be watercolour style or another art type because I’ve personally found the medium used will actually change the way it looks quite significantly.

8. How do you stay updated on the latest environmental issues and research to ensure your books remain relevant and informative?

Luckily, because I’m quite into the environment and I’m always looking at ways we can help. This does tend to come quite easily to me and I do tend to see quite regularly where the misinformation comes from. The type of misinformation that is out there compared to the amount of positive information there is means that a lot of the positive information is getting overlooked. There are so many positives that are recently coming out recently about the improvements we’re making to the environment and I feel like so many people are just promoting the negatives. That’s why for part of our social media what we really want to focus on is bringing the positive stuff to life and helping people understand that it’s not over, we’ve got time and there’s things that we can do.

9. What advice would you give to other aspiring authors who want to write children's books with an environmental focus?

It's really important to take things one step at a time when talking about environmental issues. There's so much to cover and it can be tempting to throw everything in at once. But for kids, that can be overwhelming and leave them feeling lost. So, it's better to pick one issue or topic and really focus on it. It’s  also helpful to look at things that already have some information out there, like books on recycling and other things people already know about. That way, we can build on what's already there, or create a new way to display the information.

10. Do you have any upcoming projects or books that you can give us a sneak peek into?

As I mentioned before very soon, we will have Eli the eel learning all about the polar ice caps and global warming, with Popsicle the polar bear. Then, in the slightly more distant future, Eli will be in a big city, with Olive the octopus learning, all about sustainability and greener energy solutions.

Taking the book with you gives your child something extra to focus on.

11. How can parents and educators best utilize your books to educate children about environmental awareness?

Just go for it! When I create my books, I always make sure that you don't need to buy extra stuff to do the activities. I’ve found that so many activity books expect you to have a fully stocked craft box, but I know that's not realistic for many people. Plus, it can be hard to find all the supplies sometimes. With my books, I  promise you'll find everything you need at home or outside. Oh, and don't forget to bring Eli along! It's much easier for kids to get involved when they have a friend by their side. That's why Eli is there, whether it's for outdoor activities or things to do in the car. Taking the book with you gives your child something extra to focus on. So, go ahead and give it a try!

12. In today's digital age, what role do you see traditional books playing in children's education and awareness of environmental issues?

I'm definitely not against technology when it comes to learning. Actually, I'm a bit of a fan. When used properly, technology can be an amazing tool for education. However, that doesn't mean we should overlook the importance of books. There's something special about holding a book in your hands, feeling the pages, and experiencing the excitement of turning each page with a child. It's like embarking on a new adventure with every page turn. Plus, it's a great way for parents and children to bond. That's part of the reason we don't offer an e-book version. The books are meant to be portable, something you can easily carry in your bag and take along with you. They're not just books, they are adventures.


As we conclude this insightful exploration into the author's mission, we find a testament to the impact of storytelling in shaping young minds and cultivating environmental awareness. The commitment to delivering not just tales but tangible messages on crucial issues is evident. The vivid characters and engaging narratives serve as a bridge, connecting children to the pressing challenges our planet faces. In an age where technology often dominates educational landscapes, the timeless allure of traditional books, as conveyed by our author, proves indispensable. This journey, marked by positive feedback and a sense of shared adventure, reinforces the belief that empowering young minds with knowledge can be a small yet significant step toward a brighter, more sustainable future.

If you would like to connect with Beth Crawford you can connect on the following platforms:

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